Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is up with this weather?

It's water cooler talk, but I've turned it into my latest Ink story because everyone is talking about it.

What is up with this weather?

We get record breaking highs, then record breaking lows. In a just a few weeks? What is affected other than my curiousity and frustration?

Turns out landscaping companies and potential clients are having a tough go this fall. The season is an opportunity for businesses and clients alike to lay sod and plant anything from shrubs to trees.

I spoke to a Lakeridge resident, Ryan Hoffmann. When I arrived at his house, his wife was so nervous about the interview, she excused herself and went to the basement! Ryan's been working on his yard for three years-- mostly because he is married with three small children. He's upset about the weather, especially because his children will have the mud to play on during the spring, instead of new lawn.

I also spoke to Dan Codd, the owner of a local landscaping company. He expressed his distress about the weather. They can't even dig into the soil because it's wet and nearly frozen. The shop closed down nearly a full month from what it did last year.

Being a student has its downfalls, and phone tag is one of them. I tried for a few days to contact the people in charge of the U of R grounds. Unfortunately in the race between deadline vs. phone tag, deadline won by a landslide.

Check out my article online at: